M amfora/.config/amfora/config.toml => amfora/.config/amfora/config.toml +1 -1
@@ 49,7 49,7 @@ bind_bottom = '/'
bind_edit = 'e'
bind_new_tab = 't'
bind_close_tab = 'T'
-bind_quit = 'Q'
+bind_quit = 'q'
bind_help = '?'
bind_home = 'Ctrl-H'
A gammastep/.config/gammastep/config.ini => gammastep/.config/gammastep/config.ini +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
M mpv/.config/mpv/mpv.conf => mpv/.config/mpv/mpv.conf +5 -28
@@ 1,34 1,10 @@
-# Example mpv configuration file
-# Warning:
-# The commented example options usually do _not_ set the default values. Call
-# mpv with --list-options to see the default values for most options. There is
-# no builtin or example mpv.conf with all the defaults.
-# Configuration files are read system-wide from /usr/local/etc/mpv.conf
-# and per-user from ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf, where per-user settings override
-# system-wide settings, all of which are overridden by the command line.
-# Configuration file settings and the command line options use the same
-# underlying mechanisms. Most options can be put into the configuration file
-# by dropping the preceding '--'. See the man page for a complete list of
-# options.
-# Lines starting with '#' are comments and are ignored.
-# See the CONFIGURATION FILES section in the man page
-# for a detailed description of the syntax.
-# Profiles should be placed at the bottom of the configuration file to ensure
-# that settings wanted as defaults are not restricted to specific profiles.
# video settings #
# Start in fullscreen mode by default.
@@ 71,7 47,8 @@ tscale=oversample
# video outputs, but should work well with default settings on most systems.
# If performance or energy usage is an issue, forcing the vdpau or vaapi VOs
# may or may not help.
# audio settings #
@@ 79,7 56,7 @@ hwdec=auto
# Specify default audio device. You can list devices with: --audio-device=help
# The option takes the device string (the stuff between the '...').
# Do not filter audio to keep pitch when changing playback speed.
M river/.config/river/init => river/.config/river/init +8 -3
@@ 2,14 2,16 @@
-riverctl map normal $mod Q spawn dmenu_run
+riverctl map normal $mod Q spawn 'dmenu_path | menu | $SHELL'
riverctl map normal $mod W spawn $BROWSER
riverctl map normal $mod E spawn $TERMINAL
riverctl map normal $mod A spawn $TERMINAL fff
riverctl map normal $mod G spawn $TERMINAL amfora
+riverctl map normal $mod O spawn 'xdg-open "$(dbrowse)"'
riverctl map normal $mod BackSpace close
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift BackSpace exit
+riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Delete spawn byebye
riverctl map normal $mod J focus-view next
riverctl map normal $mod K focus-view previous
@@ 19,6 21,7 @@ riverctl map normal $mod L mod-layout-value rivertile fixed main_factor +0.05
riverctl map normal $mod M toggle-fullscreen
riverctl map normal $mod Space toggle-float
riverctl map normal $mod Return zoom
+riverctl map normal $mod Tab swap next
riverctl map-pointer normal $mod BTN_LEFT move-view
riverctl map-pointer normal $mod+Shift BTN_LEFT resize-view
@@ 48,14 51,16 @@ for mode in normal locked; do
screenshot region
-# Set repeat rate
riverctl set-repeat 50 200
riverctl spawn waybar
riverctl spawn gammastep
+riverctl spawn mako
riverctl spawn nm-applet --indicator
riverctl spawn blueman-applet
-riverctl spawn udiskie --automount --no-notify --smart-tray --menu flat
+riverctl spawn udiskie --automount --notify --smart-tray --menu flat
+riverctl spawn /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
+riverctl spawn 1password --silent
riverctl default-layout rivertile
exec rivertile -main-factor 0.5 -view-padding 0 -outer-padding 0
M river/.local/bin/wm => river/.local/bin/wm +3 -2
@@ 1,7 1,8 @@
export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland
export XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS="caps:swapescape"
+export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
+river > "$HOME/.local/share/river.log" 2>&1
A sh/.local/bin/byebye => sh/.local/bin/byebye +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
+res=$(printf 'shutdown\nreboot\n' | menu)
+case $res in
+ shutdown)
+ poweroff ;;
+ reboot)
+ reboot ;;
M sh/.local/bin/dbrowse => sh/.local/bin/dbrowse +8 -20
@@ 1,29 1,17 @@
-# TODO: multisel
-[ -z "$target" ] && target="$(realpath .)"
while true; do
- p="$prompt"
- [ -z "$p" ] && p="$target"
- sel="$(ls -1a "$target" |grep -v '^\.$' | dmenu -p "$p" -l 25 -i)"
+ sel="$(ls -1a "$target" | grep -v '^\.$' | menu)"
[ "$ec" -ne 0 ] && exit $ec
- c="$(echo "$sel" |cut -b1)"
- if [ "$c" = "/" ]; then
- newt="$sel"
- else
- newt="$(realpath "${target}/${sel}")"
- fi
- if [ -e "$newt" ]; then
- target="$newt"
- if [ ! -d "$target" ]; then
- echo "$target"
- exit 0
- fi
+ newtarget="$target/$sel"
+ if [ -d "$newtarget" ]; then
+ target="$newtarget"
+ elif [ -r "$newtarget" ]; then
+ printf '%s\n' "$newtarget"
+ exit 0
D sh/.local/bin/hdmi_sound_toggle => sh/.local/bin/hdmi_sound_toggle +0 -28
@@ 1,28 0,0 @@
-export PATH=/usr/bin
-USER_NAME=$(who | awk -v vt=tty"$(fgconsole)" '$0 ~ vt {print $1}')
-USER_ID=$(id -u "$USER_NAME")
-for OUTPUT in $(cd "$CARD_PATH" && echo card*); do
- OUT_STATUS=$(cat "$CARD_PATH"/"$OUTPUT"/status)
- if [ "$OUT_STATUS" = connected ]
- then
- echo "$OUTPUT" connected
- case "$OUTPUT" in
- "card0-HDMI-A-1")
- AUDIO_OUTPUT="hdmi-stereo" # Digital Stereo (HDMI 1)
- ;;
- "card0-HDMI-A-2")
- AUDIO_OUTPUT="hdmi-stereo-extra1" # Digital Stereo (HDMI 2)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
-echo selecting output $AUDIO_OUTPUT
-sudo -u "$USER_NAME" pactl --server "$PULSE_SERVER" set-card-profile 0 output:$AUDIO_OUTPUT+input:analog-stereo
A => +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@
fuzzel -d -r 0 -b 000000ff -t f92672ff -m f92673ff -C f92672ff
M vis/.config/vis/visrc.lua => vis/.config/vis/visrc.lua +6 -5
@@ 5,17 5,18 @@ require('plugins/vis-smart-backspace')
fzf = require('plugins/fzf-open')
-fzf.fzf_args = "--height 50% --margin 5% --preview 'bat -f --style plain {}'"
+fzf.fzf_args = "--height 50% --margin 5% --preview 'cat {}'"
prs = require('plugins/pairs')
prs.autopairs = false
--- spell = require('plugins/spellcheck')
--- spell.cmd = "nuspell -d %s"
--- spell.list_cmd = "nuspell -l -d %s"
+-- <C-w>e to enable and <C-w>d to disable
+spell = require('plugins/spellcheck')
+spell.cmd = "nuspell -d %s"
+spell.list_cmd = "nuspell -l -d %s"
toggler = require('plugins/vis-toggler')
-toggler.config = require('plugins/vis-toggler.defaults')
+toggler.config = require('plugins/vis-toggler.example')
vis.events.subscribe(vis.events.INIT, function()
vis:command('set escdelay 0')
M waybar/.config/waybar/config => waybar/.config/waybar/config +3 -2
@@ 29,7 29,7 @@
"pulseaudio": {
"format": "{icon} {volume:2}%",
"format-bluetooth": "{icon} {volume}%",
- "format-muted": "🔇",
+ "format-muted": " 🔇 ",
"format-icons": {
"headphones": "",
"default": [
@@ 50,6 50,7 @@
"tooltip": false
"tray": {
- "icon-size": 22
+ "icon-size": 22,
+ "spacing": 6