Makeu ("make hue") is a color creating tool for 9front.
A selectable color field, a color display that doubles as an eyedropper, and a couple sliders.
Made using libelementile.
mk install
Please send love and patches:
Unoptimized. Libdraw is very slow on non-hw-accelerated systems.
I run on drawterm, in which case I was told that RGBA32 is not hw-accelerated.
Redrawing takes > 16 ms on my system, which is unacceptable.
Previously, makeu would draw extremely slow on some systems.
This is because there happened to be no soft screen.
This is rio's fault, as it should be buffering flushimage(display, 0) calls
before flushimage(display, 1) is called.
Also, rio should be isolating flushimage(display, 1) calls from other windows, but it doesn't.