
a simple wrapper for termux-api
ffc83fa2 — Michelle S 2 years ago
Wait for spawned process to finish before exiting
56c4d561 — Michelle S 2 years ago
Fix command output not displaying
6683574a — Michelle S 2 years ago
Initial commit


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a simple wrapper for termux-api



THIS SOFTWARE IS CURRENTLY EXTREMELY INCOMPLETE. it is nowhere near implementing the full feature set of termux-api. use if you want, but don't be surprised to find critical features missing.


at present no prebuilt binaries are available. you need to build it in termux on an Android phone. first, ensure you have the rust toolchain and git installed. to actually run the program, you will need Termux:API and the corresponding termux-api package installed as well. if installing via cargo install, you will need to make sure that ~/.cargo/bin is on your PATH.

# clone the repo
git clone https://git.sr.ht/~alterae/phone

cd phone

# build and install
cargo install


the command features a number of subcommands, many of which map one-to-one onto termux-api commands, but some of which don't. run phone help, phone --help, or phone -h for a list of subcommands and their functions, and phone help <subcommand> for detailed info on specific subcommands.


after cloning the repo, you can send patchsets to ~alterae/phone-devel@lists.sr.ht. to learn how to make and send patchsets via git send-email, check out this website.


this project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. see the LICENSE file for more details.