
86180d5dfd4c89a2b383b1832051ac8a6cab4e01 — Ali Polatel 6 months ago 6507b7c
cargo upgrade
3 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

M Cargo.lock
M Cargo.toml
M Cargo.lock => Cargo.lock +31 -36
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M Cargo.toml => Cargo.toml +7 -7
@@ 37,12 37,12 @@ crossbeam = { version = "0.8", features = ["crossbeam-channel"] }
ctrlc = { version = "3.4", features = ["termination"] }
dialoguer = { version = "0.11", default-features = false, features = ["editor"] }
flate2 = "1.0"
hostname = "0.3"
hostname = "0.4"
human-panic = "1.2"
i18n-embed = { version = "0.14", default-features = false, features = ["desktop-requester", "gettext-system", "rust-embed", "tr"], optional = true }
indicatif = "0.17"
is-terminal = "0.4"
itertools = { version = "0.12.0", default-features = false, features = ["use_alloc", "use_std"] }
itertools = { version = "0.12", default-features = false, features = ["use_alloc", "use_std"] }
lz4 = "1.24"
memmap = "0.7"
num_cpus = "1.16"

@@ 53,18 53,18 @@ prettytable-rs = { version = "0.10", default-features = false }
quick-csv = "0.1"
rand = "0.8"
rand_xorshift = "0.3"
rayon = "1.8"
rayon = "1.10"
regex = { version = "1.10", default-features = false, features = ["std", "unicode"] }
rocksdb = { version = "0.21", features = ["bzip2", "lz4", "snappy", "zlib", "zstd", "multi-threaded-cf"], default-features = false }
rusqlite = { version = "0.30", features = ["bundled", "hooks"] }
rust-embed = { version = "8.1", default-features = false, features = ["debug-embed"], optional = true }
rusqlite = { version = "0.31", features = ["bundled", "hooks"] }
rust-embed = { version = "8.4", default-features = false, features = ["debug-embed"], optional = true }
serde = "1.0"
serde_json = "1.0"
sha2 = "0.10"
shakmaty = "0.26"
shakmaty-syzygy = "0.24"
shell-escape = "0.1"
tempfile = "3.8"
tempfile = "3.10"
termtree = "0.4"
textwrap = { version = "0.16", default-features = false }
tr = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["gettext"], optional = true }

@@ 75,7 75,7 @@ zstd = { version = "0.13", default-features = false }
username = "0.2"
nix = { version = "0.27", default-features = false, features = ["signal", "user"] }
nix = { version = "0.28", default-features = false, features = ["signal", "user"] }

# Use jemalloc on UNIX for RocksDB for better performance
# It does not build on Windows for us at the time of writing:

M README.md => README.md +6 -0
@@ 385,6 385,12 @@ chessboard displaying code in [PolyGlot](http://hgm.nubati.net/book_format.html)

## ?

- upgrade `nix` crate from `0.27` to `0.28`.
- upgrade `tempfile` crate from `3.8` to `3.10`.
- upgrade `rust-embed` crate from `8.1` to `8.4`.
- upgrade `rusqlite` crate from `0.30` to `0.31`.
- upgrade `rayon` crate from `1.8` to `1.10`.
- upgrade `hostname` crate from `0.3` to `0.4`.
- Add support for restoring BrainLearn experience files from Lichess
  evaluations export JSON.
- `TotalPlyCount` PGN tag is now supported in make filters.