I'm an art student and cybersecurity expert who loves free software and slow tech.
scripts I do for relaxing while streaming
this is a repo I use for introducing myself, if you don't fancy a website
apuntes de mis horas cosiendo
collection of useful scripts for atmospheric data in Sierra Nevada (Granada)
using python to create emotional statistics for aljibe locations in Granada, Spain
a sound project with arduino for a sound sculpture
a very simple command-line CTI tool
investigación de la relación entre técnicas de tejido y lenguajes de computación
charla de eslibre
a notebook in english and spanish to save general thoughs, sketches, ideas and relevant posts which are too long to fit in a mastodon message
SOme fictional wereables that aims to make us wonder about unfortunate futures
scripting for quick TH/TI lookup
bot formy astronaut skull slack (cybersecurity)
My team GGJ 2024 project
art research essays and schematics