
e81f771e4228ea8b665c12c66116748f9965b24b — aldats 1 year, 9 months ago master
first commit
A  => LICENSE +21 -0
@@ 1,21 @@
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 aldats

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


A  => README.md +22 -0
@@ 1,22 @@
`rsc` is a 32-bit computer simulated in [Logisim][]. It was developed to
fulfill the course requirements of Computer Organization and Architecture, and
is capable of running programs written in a rudimentary 16-instruction 
assembly. If you are a student for this course, please see "License & Academic

[Logisim]: <http://www.cburch.com/logisim/>

## Usage
The heart of the project is contained in `rsc.circ`; it contains the data path
and control unit. For demo purposes, three programs, `program1.txt`,
`program2.txt`, `program3.txt`, and their bytecode counterparts, are packaged 
in the repository. Load the any program of your choice into memory and enable
the computer's clock.

## License & Academic Misconduct
`rsc` is licensed under the MIT license. See `LICENSE` for details. This in
mind, any use of this project for the requisite class amounts to academic
misconduct. If you are student for the requisite class, use your head; do the
work yourself.

A  => RSC.png +0 -0
A  => programs/program1.txt +24 -0
@@ 1,24 @@
; aldats 
; CSCI [REDACTED]: Open Lab 08
; program1.txt
; Program subtracts `A` from `F` (performs `F - A`) and displays the 
; output.

JMP start

var1: A
var2: F

	; Load first variable into R.
	LDAC var1
	; Load second variable into ACC.
	LDAC var2

	; (F - A) and sent result, `5`, to OUTR.


A  => programs/program1_bytecode.txt +13 -0
@@ 1,13 @@
v2.0 raw

A  => programs/program2.txt +81 -0
@@ 1,81 @@
; aldats 
; CSCI [REDACTED]: Open Lab 08
; program2.txt
; Program performs `A9 + 2B`, `A9 - 2B`, `A9 AND 2B`, `A9 OR 2B`,
; `ASHR A9`, `AF + 1`, and `NOT D1`; results of all operations are
; stored in separate addresses and output to `OUTR` at each step.

JMP start

; Operands
var1: A9
var2: 2B
var3: AF
var4: D1

; Storage addresses
sum: 00         ; `A9 + 2B = D4`
dif: 00         ; `A9 - 2B = 7E`
bool_prod: 00   ; `A9 AND 2B = 29`
bool_sum: 00    ; `A9 OR 2B = AB`
shifted: 00     ; `A9 >> 1 = 54`
increm: 00      ; `AF + 1 = B0`
notted: 00      ; `NOT D1 = FFFFFF2E`

	; A9 + 2B
	LDAC var1
	LDAC var2
	STAC sum

	; A9 - 2B
	LDAC var2
	LDAC var1
	STAC dif
	; A9 AND 2B
	LDAC var1
	STAC bool_prod

	; A9 OR 2B
	LDAC var1
	STAC bool_sum

	; ASHR A9
	LDAC var1
	STAC shifted

	; AF + 1
	LDAC var3
	STAC increm

        ; Purely for demonstrative purposes; `ACC` should be `0`
        ; at this step.

	; NOT D1
	LDAC var4
	STAC notted

        ; Purely for demonstrative purposes; `ACC` should 
        ; contain `2B` at this step.


A  => programs/program2_bytecode.txt +65 -0
@@ 1,65 @@
v2.0 raw

A  => programs/program3.txt +74 -0
@@ 1,74 @@
; aldats
; CSCI [REDACTED]: Open Lab 08
; Program computes and outputs the Gray code representation of three 
; consecutive numbers, starting from `num`. The Gray code representation 
; of any binary number, `n`, is `n XOR (n >> 1)`. So, for the starting
; number `8`, the expected outputs are `12`, `13`, and `15` or `1100`,
; `1101`, and `1111` in Gray code representation, or `0xC`, `0xD`, and
; `0xF` in hexadecimal encoding of Gray code representation.

JMP start

num: 7          ; (Number - 1) to start conversion at. Given `7`, for
                ; example, the program will output the Gray codes for
                ; `8`, `9`, and `10` (`12`, `13`, and `15`).
counter: 3      ; Number of Gray codes to compute; counts down.
step: 1         ; Step to decrement `counter` by.

shifted: 0      ; Storage for `num >> 1`.

; No native XOR instruction, so manually do (A AND ~B) OR (~A AND B)
product1: 0 	; Storage for `num AND ~shifted`
product2: 0 	; Storage for `~num AND shifted`

    ; Increment `num` by `1`.
    LDAC num
    STAC num

    ; Shift `num` to the right by 1; result is what we will XOR
    ; `num` by to yeild the Gray code.
    LDAC num
    STAC shifted

    ; Compute first half of XOR expression: (num AND ~shifted)
    LDAC num            ; Load `num` into `R`
    LDAC shifted        ; Load `shifted` into `ACC` and complement it.
    AND                 ; Compute (num AND ~shifted) and save result.
    STAC product1

    ; Compute second half of XOR expression: (~num AND shifted)
    LDAC shifted	; Load `shifted` into `R`
    LDAC num            ; Load `num` into `ACC` and complement it.
    AND	                ; Compute (~num AND shifted) and save result.
    STAC product2

    ; Compute whole XOR expression and output to `OUTR`.
    LDAC product1
    LDAC product2

    ; Loop above instructions until `counter == 0`. Decrement by
    ; `step` at each loop.
    LDAC step
    LDAC counter
    JMPZ stop

    STAC counter
    JMP start


A  => programs/program3_bytecode.txt +57 -0
@@ 1,57 @@
v2.0 raw

A  => src/PLDs.circ +2165 -0
@@ 1,2165 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project source="2.7.1" version="1.0">
  This file is intended to be loaded by Logisim (http://www.cburch.com/logisim/).

  <lib desc="#Wiring" name="0">
    <tool name="Splitter">
      <a name="facing" val="south"/>
    <tool name="Probe">
      <a name="facing" val="north"/>
      <a name="radix" val="16"/>
    <tool name="Constant">
      <a name="width" val="32"/>
      <a name="value" val="0x0"/>
  <lib desc="#Gates" name="1"/>
  <lib desc="#Plexers" name="2"/>
  <lib desc="#Arithmetic" name="3"/>
  <lib desc="#Memory" name="4">
    <tool name="ROM">
      <a name="contents">addr/data: 8 8
  <lib desc="#I/O" name="5"/>
  <lib desc="#Base" name="6">
    <tool name="Text Tool">
      <a name="text" val=""/>
      <a name="font" val="SansSerif plain 12"/>
      <a name="halign" val="center"/>
      <a name="valign" val="base"/>
  <main name="PC_BUS"/>
    <a name="gateUndefined" val="ignore"/>
    <a name="simlimit" val="1000"/>
    <a name="simrand" val="0"/>
    <tool lib="6" map="Button2" name="Menu Tool"/>
    <tool lib="6" map="Button3" name="Menu Tool"/>
    <tool lib="6" map="Ctrl Button1" name="Menu Tool"/>
    <tool lib="6" name="Poke Tool"/>
    <tool lib="6" name="Edit Tool"/>
    <tool lib="6" name="Text Tool">
      <a name="text" val=""/>
      <a name="font" val="SansSerif plain 12"/>
      <a name="halign" val="center"/>
      <a name="valign" val="base"/>
    <tool lib="0" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
    <tool lib="0" name="Pin">
      <a name="facing" val="west"/>
      <a name="output" val="true"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="east"/>
    <tool lib="1" name="NOT Gate"/>
    <tool lib="1" name="AND Gate"/>
    <tool lib="1" name="OR Gate"/>
  <circuit name="PC_BUS">
    <a name="circuit" val="PC_BUS"/>
    <a name="clabel" val="PC_BUS"/>
    <a name="clabelup" val="east"/>
    <a name="clabelfont" val="SansSerif plain 12"/>
    <wire from="(150,110)" to="(150,120)"/>
    <wire from="(150,110)" to="(190,110)"/>
    <wire from="(130,170)" to="(170,170)"/>
    <wire from="(170,130)" to="(170,170)"/>
    <wire from="(130,120)" to="(150,120)"/>
    <wire from="(170,130)" to="(190,130)"/>
    <wire from="(220,120)" to="(240,120)"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(65,53)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: PC_BUS"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(108,21)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Group [REDACTED]: aldats &amp; [REDACTED]"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(130,120)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t0"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(130,170)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t2"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(42,35)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 08"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(240,120)" name="Pin">
      <a name="facing" val="west"/>
      <a name="output" val="true"/>
      <a name="label" val="PC_BUS"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(220,120)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
  <circuit name="AR_LD">
    <a name="circuit" val="AR_LD"/>
    <a name="clabel" val="AR_LD"/>
    <a name="clabelup" val="east"/>
    <a name="clabelfont" val="SansSerif plain 12"/>
    <wire from="(40,210)" to="(100,210)"/>
    <wire from="(40,360)" to="(160,360)"/>
    <wire from="(230,150)" to="(230,160)"/>
    <wire from="(60,100)" to="(60,110)"/>
    <wire from="(300,120)" to="(300,140)"/>
    <wire from="(100,130)" to="(100,210)"/>
    <wire from="(80,110)" to="(320,110)"/>
    <wire from="(40,160)" to="(80,160)"/>
    <wire from="(140,150)" to="(180,150)"/>
    <wire from="(370,110)" to="(370,140)"/>
    <wire from="(40,310)" to="(140,310)"/>
    <wire from="(140,150)" to="(140,310)"/>
    <wire from="(300,120)" to="(320,120)"/>
    <wire from="(280,140)" to="(300,140)"/>
    <wire from="(370,140)" to="(390,140)"/>
    <wire from="(370,160)" to="(390,160)"/>
    <wire from="(350,200)" to="(370,200)"/>
    <wire from="(350,110)" to="(370,110)"/>
    <wire from="(420,150)" to="(440,150)"/>
    <wire from="(100,130)" to="(250,130)"/>
    <wire from="(40,110)" to="(60,110)"/>
    <wire from="(120,200)" to="(330,200)"/>
    <wire from="(370,160)" to="(370,200)"/>
    <wire from="(160,170)" to="(180,170)"/>
    <wire from="(210,160)" to="(230,160)"/>
    <wire from="(230,150)" to="(250,150)"/>
    <wire from="(40,260)" to="(120,260)"/>
    <wire from="(80,110)" to="(80,160)"/>
    <wire from="(160,170)" to="(160,360)"/>
    <wire from="(120,200)" to="(120,260)"/>
    <wire from="(60,100)" to="(320,100)"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(42,35)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 08"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,260)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="clock"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,160)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t2"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,110)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t0"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(210,160)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(350,200)" name="NOT Gate">
      <a name="size" val="20"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(420,150)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(65,53)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: AR_LD"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,360)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d2"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(280,140)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(440,150)" name="Pin">
      <a name="facing" val="west"/>
      <a name="output" val="true"/>
      <a name="label" val="AR_LD"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(350,110)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="3"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,310)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d1"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(108,21)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Group [REDACTED]: aldats &amp; [REDACTED]"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,210)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t4"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
  <circuit name="PC_LD">
    <a name="circuit" val="PC_LD"/>
    <a name="clabel" val="PC_LD"/>
    <a name="clabelup" val="east"/>
    <a name="clabelfont" val="SansSerif plain 12"/>
    <wire from="(180,140)" to="(180,270)"/>
    <wire from="(100,220)" to="(160,220)"/>
    <wire from="(270,140)" to="(270,150)"/>
    <wire from="(340,100)" to="(340,120)"/>
    <wire from="(120,100)" to="(120,120)"/>
    <wire from="(140,170)" to="(140,190)"/>
    <wire from="(100,170)" to="(140,170)"/>
    <wire from="(180,140)" to="(220,140)"/>
    <wire from="(320,130)" to="(360,130)"/>
    <wire from="(100,320)" to="(200,320)"/>
    <wire from="(140,190)" to="(300,190)"/>
    <wire from="(200,160)" to="(200,320)"/>
    <wire from="(120,100)" to="(340,100)"/>
    <wire from="(160,120)" to="(160,220)"/>
    <wire from="(270,140)" to="(290,140)"/>
    <wire from="(320,190)" to="(340,190)"/>
    <wire from="(340,120)" to="(360,120)"/>
    <wire from="(340,140)" to="(360,140)"/>
    <wire from="(390,130)" to="(410,130)"/>
    <wire from="(100,120)" to="(120,120)"/>
    <wire from="(250,150)" to="(270,150)"/>
    <wire from="(200,160)" to="(220,160)"/>
    <wire from="(100,270)" to="(180,270)"/>
    <wire from="(340,140)" to="(340,190)"/>
    <wire from="(160,120)" to="(290,120)"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(390,130)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="3"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(108,21)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Group [REDACTED]: aldats &amp; [REDACTED]"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(100,220)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d5"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(100,120)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t4"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(42,35)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 08"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(410,130)" name="Pin">
      <a name="facing" val="west"/>
      <a name="output" val="true"/>
      <a name="label" val="PC_LD"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(250,150)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(100,170)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="clock"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(100,320)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="z"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(65,53)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: PC_LD"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(320,130)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(320,190)" name="NOT Gate">
      <a name="size" val="20"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(100,270)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d6"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
  <circuit name="PC_INC">
    <a name="circuit" val="PC_INC"/>
    <a name="clabel" val="PC_INC"/>
    <a name="clabelup" val="east"/>
    <a name="clabelfont" val="SansSerif plain 12"/>
    <wire from="(140,150)" to="(330,150)"/>
    <wire from="(80,120)" to="(400,120)"/>
    <wire from="(40,210)" to="(100,210)"/>
    <wire from="(100,220)" to="(480,220)"/>
    <wire from="(40,360)" to="(160,360)"/>
    <wire from="(60,100)" to="(60,110)"/>
    <wire from="(100,210)" to="(100,220)"/>
    <wire from="(450,120)" to="(450,130)"/>
    <wire from="(380,140)" to="(380,150)"/>
    <wire from="(310,160)" to="(310,180)"/>
    <wire from="(40,160)" to="(80,160)"/>
    <wire from="(220,190)" to="(260,190)"/>
    <wire from="(40,310)" to="(140,310)"/>
    <wire from="(180,190)" to="(180,410)"/>
    <wire from="(160,170)" to="(260,170)"/>
    <wire from="(140,150)" to="(140,310)"/>
    <wire from="(570,160)" to="(590,160)"/>
    <wire from="(60,100)" to="(470,100)"/>
    <wire from="(310,160)" to="(330,160)"/>
    <wire from="(290,180)" to="(310,180)"/>
    <wire from="(360,150)" to="(380,150)"/>
    <wire from="(80,120)" to="(80,160)"/>
    <wire from="(380,140)" to="(400,140)"/>
    <wire from="(450,120)" to="(470,120)"/>
    <wire from="(430,130)" to="(450,130)"/>
    <wire from="(520,150)" to="(540,150)"/>
    <wire from="(500,110)" to="(520,110)"/>
    <wire from="(520,170)" to="(540,170)"/>
    <wire from="(500,220)" to="(520,220)"/>
    <wire from="(40,110)" to="(60,110)"/>
    <wire from="(180,190)" to="(200,190)"/>
    <wire from="(520,110)" to="(520,150)"/>
    <wire from="(120,140)" to="(330,140)"/>
    <wire from="(40,260)" to="(120,260)"/>
    <wire from="(40,410)" to="(180,410)"/>
    <wire from="(520,170)" to="(520,220)"/>
    <wire from="(120,140)" to="(120,260)"/>
    <wire from="(160,170)" to="(160,360)"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(360,150)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="3"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(430,130)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,360)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d6"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(570,160)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,410)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="z"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,110)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t1"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,160)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t3"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,310)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d2"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,210)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="clock"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(220,190)" name="NOT Gate">
      <a name="size" val="20"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(108,21)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Group [REDACTED]: aldats &amp; [REDACTED]"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(290,180)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(500,220)" name="NOT Gate">
      <a name="size" val="20"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(500,110)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,260)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d1"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(590,160)" name="Pin">
      <a name="facing" val="west"/>
      <a name="output" val="true"/>
      <a name="label" val="PC_INC"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(42,35)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 08"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(65,53)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: PC_INC"/>
  <circuit name="DR_LD">
    <a name="circuit" val="DR_LD"/>
    <a name="clabel" val="DR_LD"/>
    <a name="clabelup" val="east"/>
    <a name="clabelfont" val="SansSerif plain 12"/>
    <wire from="(500,230)" to="(500,300)"/>
    <wire from="(290,250)" to="(290,260)"/>
    <wire from="(60,90)" to="(430,90)"/>
    <wire from="(360,120)" to="(360,130)"/>
    <wire from="(140,110)" to="(140,320)"/>
    <wire from="(80,210)" to="(380,210)"/>
    <wire from="(200,250)" to="(240,250)"/>
    <wire from="(40,320)" to="(140,320)"/>
    <wire from="(410,140)" to="(450,140)"/>
    <wire from="(200,250)" to="(200,470)"/>
    <wire from="(40,470)" to="(200,470)"/>
    <wire from="(550,220)" to="(570,220)"/>
    <wire from="(270,260)" to="(290,260)"/>
    <wire from="(360,130)" to="(380,130)"/>
    <wire from="(360,150)" to="(380,150)"/>
    <wire from="(340,170)" to="(360,170)"/>
    <wire from="(360,230)" to="(380,230)"/>
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      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 09"/>
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      <a name="text" val="Group [REDACTED]: aldats &amp; [REDACTED]"/>
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      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 09"/>
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      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
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      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
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    <wire from="(300,300)" to="(320,300)"/>
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    <wire from="(60,220)" to="(60,270)"/>
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    <wire from="(140,290)" to="(270,290)"/>
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      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: DR_BUSv2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(300,230)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(460,240)" name="Pin">
      <a name="facing" val="west"/>
      <a name="output" val="true"/>
      <a name="label" val="DR_BUS"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(370,200)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
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      <a name="label" val="d5"/>
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    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,230)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t6"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(230,80)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Comment: Previous version of DR_BUS output high on t2 when it was uncessary,"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(300,300)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(370,280)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(300,180)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
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      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
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      <a name="text" val="Group [REDACTED]: aldats"/>
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      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d6"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,330)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d2"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(52,44)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Lab # OLA 09"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(216,113)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Do not know why it made it pass the graders, but it was causing problems."/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(189,96)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val=" causing a &quot;data conflict&quot; between the bus outputs of DR and PC. "/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(440,240)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,280)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d1"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(77,131)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="DR_BUS v2 removes t2."/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,480)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="z"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,180)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
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  <circuit name="SC_CLRv2">
    <a name="circuit" val="SC_CLRv2"/>
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    <wire from="(340,300)" to="(360,300)"/>
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    <wire from="(160,200)" to="(160,310)"/>
    <wire from="(40,270)" to="(120,270)"/>
    <wire from="(40,420)" to="(180,420)"/>
    <wire from="(430,120)" to="(430,180)"/>
    <wire from="(160,310)" to="(160,370)"/>
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      <a name="text" val="aldats"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(500,190)" name="Pin">
      <a name="facing" val="west"/>
      <a name="output" val="true"/>
      <a name="label" val="SC_CLR"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,470)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="z"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(410,120)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(340,140)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,220)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t7"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(81,57)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: SC_CLRv2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(480,190)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="3"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(340,210)" name="OR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(53,41)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 09"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,170)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t5"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(410,280)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(410,190)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(270,230)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,270)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d1"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,420)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d6"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(238,75)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Comments: SC_CLRv2 is equivalent to previous SC_CLR but without the clock input."/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,320)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d2"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(340,300)" name="NOR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="4"/>
    <comp lib="1" loc="(250,340)" name="AND Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,370)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="d5"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>
    <comp lib="0" loc="(40,120)" name="Pin">
      <a name="tristate" val="false"/>
      <a name="label" val="t4"/>
      <a name="labelloc" val="north"/>

A  => src/RSC.circ +1826 -0
@@ 1,1826 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project source="2.7.1" version="1.0">
  This file is intended to be loaded by Logisim (http://www.cburch.com/logisim/).

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      <a name="width" val="32"/>
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      <a name="inputs" val="2"/>
    <tool name="NOR Gate">
      <a name="size" val="30"/>
      <a name="inputs" val="32"/>
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      <a name="contents">addr/data: 8 8
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      <a name="size" val="30"/>
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      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: Arith_U"/>
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      <a name="text" val="Circuit Name: SC"/>
    <comp lib="6" loc="(44,36)" name="Text">
      <a name="text" val="Lab # CLA 06"/>
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A  => src/custom_reg.circ +902 -0
@@ 1,902 @@
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  This file is intended to be loaded by Logisim (http://www.cburch.com/logisim/).

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