@@ 422,7 422,7 @@ function App.keychord_pressed(chord)
Search_backup = nil
elseif chord == 'backspace' then
local len = utf8.len(Search_term)
- local byte_offset = utf8.offset(Search_term, len)
+ local byte_offset = Text.offset(Search_term, len)
Search_term = string.sub(Search_term, 1, byte_offset-1)
Search_text = nil
elseif chord == 'down' then
@@ 537,7 537,7 @@ function App.keychord_pressed(chord)
p.name = nil
elseif chord == 'backspace' then
local len = utf8.len(p.name)
- local byte_offset = utf8.offset(p.name, len-1)
+ local byte_offset = Text.offset(p.name, len-1)
p.name = string.sub(p.name, 1, byte_offset)
record_undo_event({before=before, after=snapshot(Lines.current_drawing_index)})
@@ 55,9 55,9 @@ end
-- Returns some intermediate computation useful elsewhere.
function Text.draw_highlight(line, x,y, pos, lo,hi)
if lo then
- local lo_offset = utf8.offset(line.data, lo)
- local hi_offset = utf8.offset(line.data, hi)
- local pos_offset = utf8.offset(line.data, pos)
+ local lo_offset = Text.offset(line.data, lo)
+ local hi_offset = Text.offset(line.data, hi)
+ local pos_offset = Text.offset(line.data, pos)
local lo_px
if pos == lo then
lo_px = 0
@@ 137,8 137,8 @@ function Text.delete_selection_without_undo()
-- delete everything between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)
Lines[minl].fragments = nil
Lines[minl].screen_line_starting_pos = nil
- local min_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[minl].data, minp)
- local max_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[maxl].data, maxp)
+ local min_offset = Text.offset(Lines[minl].data, minp)
+ local max_offset = Text.offset(Lines[maxl].data, maxp)
if minl == maxl then
--? print('minl == maxl')
Lines[minl].data = Lines[minl].data:sub(1, min_offset-1)..Lines[minl].data:sub(max_offset)
@@ 165,8 165,8 @@ function Text.selection()
minp,maxp = maxp,minp
- local min_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[minl].data, minp)
- local max_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[maxl].data, maxp)
+ local min_offset = Text.offset(Lines[minl].data, minp)
+ local max_offset = Text.offset(Lines[maxl].data, maxp)
if minl == maxl then
return Lines[minl].data:sub(min_offset, max_offset-1)
@@ 113,8 113,7 @@ function Text.compute_fragments(line, line_width)
-- We're not going to reimplement TeX here.
local bpos = Text.nearest_pos_less_than(frag, line_width - x)
assert(bpos > 0) -- avoid infinite loop when window is too narrow
- local boffset = utf8.offset(frag, bpos+1) -- byte _after_ bpos
- assert(boffset)
+ local boffset = Text.offset(frag, bpos+1) -- byte _after_ bpos
--? print('space for '..tostring(bpos)..' graphemes, '..tostring(boffset)..' bytes')
local frag1 = string.sub(frag, 1, boffset-1)
local frag1_text = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), frag1)
@@ 156,16 155,7 @@ function Text.textinput(t)
function Text.insert_at_cursor(t)
- local byte_offset
- if Cursor1.pos > 1 then
- byte_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
- else
- byte_offset = 1
- end
- if byte_offset == nil then
- print(Cursor1.line, Cursor1.pos, byte_offset, Lines[Cursor1.line].data)
- assert(false)
- end
+ local byte_offset = Text.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
Lines[Cursor1.line].data = string.sub(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, 1, byte_offset-1)..t..string.sub(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, byte_offset)
Lines[Cursor1.line].fragments = nil
Lines[Cursor1.line].screen_line_starting_pos = nil
@@ 174,7 164,7 @@ end
-- Don't handle any keys here that would trigger love.textinput above.
function Text.keychord_pressed(chord)
---? print(chord)
+--? print('chord')
--== shortcuts that mutate text
if chord == 'return' then
local before_line = Cursor1.line
@@ 380,10 370,7 @@ function Text.keychord_pressed(chord)
function Text.insert_return()
- local byte_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
---? print(Cursor1.line, Cursor1.pos, #Lines[Cursor1.line].data)
---? print(Lines[Cursor1.line].data)
- assert(byte_offset)
+ local byte_offset = Text.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
table.insert(Lines, Cursor1.line+1, {mode='text', data=string.sub(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, byte_offset)})
Lines[Cursor1.line].data = string.sub(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, 1, byte_offset-1)
Lines[Cursor1.line].fragments = nil
@@ 465,8 452,7 @@ function Text.up()
Screen_top1.pos = screen_line_starting_pos
--? print('pos of top of screen is also '..tostring(Screen_top1.pos)..' of the same line')
- local screen_line_starting_byte_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, screen_line_starting_pos)
- assert(screen_line_starting_byte_offset)
+ local screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, screen_line_starting_pos)
local s = string.sub(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, screen_line_starting_byte_offset)
Cursor1.pos = screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, Cursor_x) - 1
@@ 485,8 471,7 @@ function Text.up()
Screen_top1.pos = new_screen_line_starting_pos
--? print('also setting pos of top of screen to '..tostring(Screen_top1.pos))
- local new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_pos)
- assert(new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset)
+ local new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_pos)
local s = string.sub(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset)
Cursor1.pos = new_screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, Cursor_x) - 1
--? print('cursor pos is now '..tostring(Cursor1.pos))
@@ 525,8 510,7 @@ function Text.down()
local screen_line_index, screen_line_starting_pos = Text.pos_at_start_of_cursor_screen_line()
new_screen_line_starting_pos = Lines[Cursor1.line].screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index+1]
--? print('switching pos of screen line at cursor from '..tostring(screen_line_starting_pos)..' to '..tostring(new_screen_line_starting_pos))
- local new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_pos)
- assert(new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset)
+ local new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_pos)
local s = string.sub(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset)
Cursor1.pos = new_screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, Cursor_x) - 1
--? print('cursor pos is now', Cursor1.line, Cursor1.pos)
@@ 544,7 528,7 @@ function Text.word_left()
if Cursor1.pos == 1 then break end
assert(Cursor1.pos > 1)
- local offset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
+ local offset = Text.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
assert(offset > 1)
if Lines[Cursor1.line].data:sub(offset-1,offset-1) == ' ' then
@@ 556,7 540,7 @@ function Text.word_right()
while true do
if Cursor1.pos > utf8.len(Lines[Cursor1.line].data) then break end
- local offset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
+ local offset = Text.offset(Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Cursor1.pos)
if Lines[Cursor1.line].data:sub(offset,offset) == ' ' then -- TODO: other space characters
@@ 696,8 680,7 @@ function Text.to_pos_on_line(line, mx, my)
-- duplicate some logic from Text.draw
local y = line.y
for screen_line_index,screen_line_starting_pos in ipairs(line.screen_line_starting_pos) do
- local screen_line_starting_byte_offset = utf8.offset(line.data, screen_line_starting_pos)
- assert(screen_line_starting_byte_offset)
+ local screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(line.data, screen_line_starting_pos)
--? print('iter', y, screen_line_index, screen_line_starting_pos, string.sub(line.data, screen_line_starting_byte_offset))
local nexty = y + Line_height
if my < nexty then
@@ 802,8 785,7 @@ function Text.nearest_pos_less_than(line, x) -- x DOES NOT include left margin
function Text.x(s, pos)
- local offset = utf8.offset(s, pos)
- assert(offset)
+ local offset = Text.offset(s, pos)
local s_before = s:sub(1, offset-1)
local text_before = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), s_before)
return App.width(text_before)
@@ 859,6 841,17 @@ function Text.le1(a, b)
return a.pos <= b.pos
+function Text.offset(s, pos1)
+ if pos1 == 1 then return 1 end
+ local result = utf8.offset(s, pos1)
+ if result == nil then
+ print(Cursor1.line, Cursor1.pos, #Lines[Cursor1.line].data, Lines[Cursor1.line].data)
+ print(pos1, #s, s)
+ end
+ assert(result)
+ return result
function Text.previous_screen_line(pos2)
if pos2.screen_line > 1 then
return {line=pos2.line, screen_line=pos2.screen_line-1, screen_pos=1}