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A lightweight programming environment for desktop and mobile devices; superceded by
69cf8d6d — Kartik K. Agaram 24 days ago
Merge template-live-editor-mobile
852f6f93 — Kartik K. Agaram 24 days ago
Merge template-live-editor
518a9ca2 — Kartik K. Agaram 24 days ago
bugfix: don't run on.code_change on MANIFEST, etc.


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0 dependencies!


A lightweight environment for writing small, throwaway Lua and LÖVE programs. Tested on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. The environment itself can be modified as it runs. Please report issues, particularly with usability or accessibility.

This repo is an example of a Freewheeling App, designed above all to be easy to run, easy to modify and easy to share.

#Getting started

Install LÖVE. It's just a 5MB download, open-source and extremely well-behaved.

Run the app using LÖVE.


To modify it live without restarting the app each time, download the driver app. Here's an example session using a fork of this repo:

making changes without restarting the app

(Only on non-mobile platforms for now.)

Some reference documentation on how to create your own apps.

If the app being modified by the driver lives in a .love file, your changes will go into the save directory. If it lives in a directory (like this repo), your changes will go straight into the same directory.

#Keyboard shortcuts

Within the editor widget:

  • ctrl+f to find patterns within a file
  • ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+x to cut, ctrl+v to paste
  • ctrl+z to undo, ctrl+y to redo
  • ctrl+= to zoom in, ctrl+- to zoom out, ctrl+0 to reset zoom
  • alt+right/alt+left to jump to the next/previous word, respectively
  • mouse drag or shift + movement to select text, ctrl+a to select all

Exclusively tested so far with a US keyboard layout. If you use a different layout, please let me know if things worked, or if you found anything amiss:

#Known issues

  • On phones, pasting in text from the popup keyboard doesn't work well. Be sure to use the 'paste' key in the menu.

  • No support yet for Unicode graphemes spanning multiple codepoints.

  • No support yet for right-to-left languages.

  • Can't scroll while selecting text with mouse.

  • Some colors can't be customized yet.


Many thanks to Mike Stein for code, feedback and suggestions.

#Mirrors and Forks

This repo is a fork of, an editor for plain text where you can also seamlessly insert line drawings. Its immediate upstream is the template repo for freewheeling apps. Updates to it can be downloaded from the following mirrors:

Further forks are encouraged. If you show me your fork, I'll link to it here.


Most appreciated. Messages, PRs, patches, forks, it's all good.

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