
FUNET-NJE Docker image
36ff71cd — Andrew Kay 2 years ago
Fix bug where sendfile could not determine from user
9ec855aa — Andrew Kay 2 years ago
Improve sending and receiving files example
3c0027c3 — Andrew Kay 2 years ago
Initial commit


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Moshix and friends have updated FUNET-NJE for Linux. However, it requires some specific configuration and doesn't compile on my Linux (I use arch btw).

So, here is a Docker image!

#Starting two NJE nodes

You can find example configuration files for two nodes in the examples folder. Docker will mount the files at /etc/funetnje in the container.

The default NJE port is 175. The example configuration expects NODE1 port 175 to be exposed as 1751 by Docker and NODE2 as 1752.

First, update funetnje.cf for both nodes:

  1. Update IPADDRESS to be the IP address of your computer
  2. Update TCPNAME for the line to be the IP address of your computer

Then, start two NJE nodes:

docker run -it --rm --name nje_node1 --hostname node1 -v $(pwd)/examples/node1:/etc/funetnje -p 1751:175 funetnje:latest
docker run -it --rm --name nje_node2 --hostname node2 -v $(pwd)/examples/node2:/etc/funetnje -p 1752:175 funetnje:latest

If successful, you should see the logs from the funetnje process appear.

#Sending messages

The image contains a nje user who is a member of the funetnje group.

To log in to NODE1:

docker exec -it nje_node1 /bin/login -f nje

It is important to use /bin/login to ensure that a utmp record is created for the user, this allows the funetnje process to route messages to you.

The nje .profile run at login sets mesg y allowing messages to be displayed.

To send a message to NODE2:

send nje@node2 hello there!

#Sending and receiving files

Use the sendfile, qrdr and receive commands to send and receive files.

Unlike messages, you do not need to be logged in to the container and, therefore, you can run the commands using docker exec.

To send a file to NODE2:

cat local_file.txt | docker exec -i -u nje nje_node1 sendfile nje@node2

Then, view spooled files on NODE2:

docker exec -u nje nje_node2 qrdr

Finally, receive the file on NODE2 and write it out stdout:

docker exec -u nje nje_node2 receive -o - 0001