M hummingbird.js => hummingbird.js +17 -14
@@ 150,8 150,12 @@ function showRoom(room) {
var messageList = el('div')
var prevSender = ''
for (m of sortedMessages) {
+ // If there is no body the message was deleted, don't display it.
+ if (!m.type) { continue }
+ //var user = _(account).get(['rooms', room, 'users', m.user_id], {})
let user = users[m.sender]
- let body, avatar, reply, edit
+ let body, avatar
// Group messages together if they're from the same sender.
if (prevSender != m.sender) {
@@ 165,14 169,6 @@ function showRoom(room) {
body = ''
- // Check if we have related events. Replies, edits, etc.
- // We can be multiple types at once (edit to a reply).
- // XXX reply = _(m).get(['content', 'm.relates_to', 'm.in_reply_to', 'event_id'])
- // XXX edit = _(m).get(['content', 'm.relates_to', 'event_id'])
- // TODO: edits => m[content][m.new_content]
- // TODO: body, formatted_body, msgtype
- // TODO: need to move the user line to it's own div so we can just replace body
// Check our message type and render it appropriately.
switch (m.type) {
case 'm.notice':
@@ 181,23 177,30 @@ function showRoom(room) {
case 'm.emote':
// TODO: /me messages.
case 'm.text':
- if (reply) {
+ // We have a deleted message.
+ if (!m.body) { continue }
+ if (m.reply) {
// TODO: We may not have fetched the event we're replying to yet.
- let mp = _(messages).get([room, reply])
+ let mp = _(messages).get([room, m.reply])
if (!mp) {
- body += 'In reply to unknown:<br>'
+ body += 'In reply to an older message:<br>'
} else {
body += `In reply to ${mp.sender}:<br>`
let replyText = el('div')
replyText.innerHTML = m.body
- // XXX: Sometimes we don't have a mx-reply block.
body += replyText.innerHTML
} else {
- body += m.body || '(deleted)'
+ body += m.body
+ if (m.edit) {
+ body += ' (edited)'
+ }
case 'm.image':
body += `
M hummingbird_ajax.js => hummingbird_ajax.js +44 -24
@@ 219,7 219,8 @@ function parseMessageEvents(events, room) {
// Message events.
for (e of events) {
// TODO: Maybe we should make a stray messages struct and return it?
- if (e.room_id != room) {
+ // If we're recursing, room_id may not be set.
+ if (e.room_id && e.room_id != room) {
console.error('Received message for another room while syncing ', room)
@@ 233,33 234,52 @@ function parseMessageEvents(events, room) {
// TODO: We still want to sanitize the HTML and rewrite links.
switch (e.content.msgtype) {
- case 'm.text':
- m.body = e.content.formatted_body || e.content.body
- // format: "org.matrix.custom.html"
- break
- case 'm.image':
- m.body = e.content.body
- m.data = {
- url: e.content.url,
- fetched: false,
- img: null,
- size: e.content.info?.size,
- h: e.content.info?.h,
- w: e.content.info?.w,
- }
- case 'm.room.redaction':
- m.body = null
- m.reason = e.content.reason
- m.relatedEvent = e.content.redacts
- break
+ case 'm.text':
+ m.body = e.content.formatted_body || e.content.body
+ // format: "org.matrix.custom.html"
+ // Check if we have any edits or replies.
+ switch (e.content['m.relates_to']?.rel_type) {
case undefined:
- // We were probably redacted.
- // Let's try recursing on redacted_because.
- //redact = parseMessageEvents(e.redacted_because, room)
+ // No relation exists.
+ break
+ case 'm.replace':
+ m.edit = e.content['m.relates_to'].event_id
+ // Manually merge the new message as someone may have changed the type.
+ m.type = e.content['m.new_content'].msgtype
+ m.body = e.content['m.new_content'].formatted_body ||
+ e.content['m.new_content'].formatted_body
+ case 'net.maunium.reply':
- console.error('Unhandled message event type: ', e)
+ m.reply = e.content['m.relates_to']['m.in_reply_to'].event_id
+ }
+ break
+ case 'm.image':
+ m.body = e.content.body
+ m.data = {
+ url: e.content.url,
+ fetched: false,
+ img: null,
+ size: e.content.info?.size,
+ h: e.content.info?.h,
+ w: e.content.info?.w,
+ }
+ case 'm.room.redaction':
+ m.body = null
+ m.reason = e.content.reason
+ m.relatedEvent = e.content.redacts
+ break
+ case undefined:
+ // We were probably redacted.
+ // Let's try recursing on redacted_because.
+ //redact = parseMessageEvents(e.redacted_because, room)
+ break
+ default:
+ console.error('Unhandled message event type: ', e)
+ break
messages[e.event_id] = m