
bf01de7c901b259ef61bebeb316f3ac48be8b47a — Andrew Tropin 6 months ago 41c89d3
Actualize info about guix proxy
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M pages/guix.md
M pages/guix.md => pages/guix.md +8 -8
@@ 11,16 11,16 @@ don't use it if the upstream services is available for you.
Proxies are available in clearnet and yggdrasil.  All services are
exposed via **HTTP**, if you want to have the traffic to be end to end
encrypted use yggdrasil, the https option with self-signed certificate
is also provided.  The instruction about yggdrasil setup should appear
here in some future.

-   **site:** [guix.trop.in](http://guix.trop.in), [guix.ygg.trop.in](http://guix.ygg.trop.in), [clearnet
    ip](, [yggdrasil ip](http://[200:554d:3eb1:5bc5:6d7b:42f4:8792:efb8]/).
-   **bugtracker:** [issues.guix.trop.in](http://issues.guix.trop.in),
-   **substitutes:** [http://ci.guix.trop.in](http://ci.guix.trop.in),
is also provided.  The instruction about yggdrasil setup may or may
not appear here in some future.

-   **substitutes:** [http[s]://ci.guix.trop.in](http://ci.guix.trop.in),
    [http://ci.guix.ygg.trop.in](http://ci.guix.ygg.trop.in), the protocol is http!

**Site** and **bugtracker** proxies are not working anymore because
Upstream forcefully redirects clients to original *guix.gnu.org
domains, when it detects explicit proxying of requests.

To use a substitute proxy, specify `--substitute-urls` argument for
all guix subcommands requiring any builds.  For example: