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+# Cheat Sheet
+Keep in mind, unless you are utilizing root, `sudo` privileges will be required to execute any applications that need to bind a network interface or set it into promiscuous mode.
+## Tcpdump
+| **Command** | **Description** |
+| --------------|-------------------|
+| `tcpdump --version` | Prints the tcpdump and libpcap version strings then exits. |
+| `tcpdump -h` | Prints the help and usage information. |
+| `tcpdump -D` | Prints a list of usable network interfaces from which tcpdump can capture. |
+| `tcpdump -i (interface name or #)` | Executes tcpdump and utilizes the interface specified to capture on. |
+| `tcpdump -i (int) -w file.pcap` | Runs a capture on the specified interface and writes the output to a file. |
+| `tcpdump -r file.pcap` | TCPDump will read the output from a specified file. |
+| `tcpdump -r/-w file.pcap -l \\| grep 'string'` | TCPDump will utilize the capture traffic from a live capture or a file and set stdout as line-buffered. We can then utilize pipe (\\|) to send that output to other tools such as grep to look for strings or specific patterns. |
+| `tcpdump -i (int) host (ip)` | TCPDump will start a capture on the interface specified at (int) and will only capture traffic originating from or destined to the IP address or hostname specified after `host`.|
+| `tcpdump -i (int) port (#)` | Will filter the capture for anything sourcing from or destined to port (#) and discard the rest. |
+| `tcpdump -i (int) proto (#)` | Will filter the capture for any protocol traffic matching the (#). For example, (6) would filter for any TCP traffic and discard the rest. |
+| `tcpdump -i (int) (proto name)` | Will utilize a protocols common name to filter the traffic captured. TCP/UDP/ICMP as examples. |
+## Tcpdump Common Switches and Filters
+| **Switch/Filter** | **Description** |
+| --------------|-------------------|
+| `D` | Will display any interfaces available to capture from. |
+| `i` | Selects an interface to capture from. ex. -i eth0 |
+| `n` | Do not resolve hostnames. |
+| `nn` | Do not resolve hostnames or well-known ports. |
+| `e` | Will grab the ethernet header along with upper-layer data. |
+| `X` | Show Contents of packets in hex and ASCII. |
+| `XX` | Same as X, but will also specify ethernet headers. (like using Xe) |
+| `v, vv, vvv` | Increase the verbosity of output shown and saved. |
+| `c` | Grab a specific number of packets, then quit the program. |
+| `s` | Defines how much of a packet to grab. |
+| `S` | change relative sequence numbers in the capture display to absolute sequence numbers. (13248765839 instead of 101) |
+| `q` | Print less protocol information. |
+| `r file.pcap` | Read from a file. |
+| `w file.pcap` | Write into a file |
+| `host` | Host will filter visible traffic to show anything involving the designated host. Bi-directional |
+| `src / dest` |`src` and `dest` are modifiers. We can use them to designate a source or destination host or port. |
+| `net` |`net` will show us any traffic sourcing from or destined to the network designated. It uses / notation. |
+| `proto` |will filter for a specific protocol type. (ether, TCP, UDP, and ICMP as examples) |
+| `port` |`port` is bi-directional. It will show any traffic with the specified port as the source or destination. |
+| `portrange` |`Portrange` allows us to specify a range of ports. (0-1024) |
+| `less / greater "< >"` |`less` and `greater` can be used to look for a packet or protocol option of a specific size. |
+| `and / &&` |`and` `&&` can be used to concatenate two different filters together. for example, src host AND port. |
+| `or` |`or` Or allows for a match on either of two conditions. It does not have to meet both. It can be tricky. |
+| `not` |`not` is a modifier saying anything but x. For example, not UDP. |
+## TShark
+| **Command** | **Description** |
+| --------------|-------------------|
+| `tshark -h` | Prints the help menu. |
+| `tshark -D` | List available interfaces to capture from. |
+| `tshark -i (int)` | Capture on a selected interface. Replace (int) with the interface name or number. |
+| `tshark -i eth0 -f "host (ip)"` | apply a filter with (-f) looking for a specific host while utilizing tshark |
+| `D` | Will display any interfaces available to capture from and then exit out. |
+| `L` | Will list the Link-layer mediums you can capture from and then exit out. (ethernet as an example) |
+| `i` | choose an interface to capture from. (-i eth0) |
+| `f` | packet filter in libpcap syntax. Used during capture. |
+| `c` | Grab a specific number of packets, then quit the program. Defines a stop condition. |
+| `a` | Defines an autostop condition. It can be after a duration, specific file size, or after a certain number of packets. |
+| `r (pcap-file)` | Read from a file. |
+| `W (pcap-file)` | Write into a file using the pcapng format. |
+| `P` | Will print the packet summary while writing into a file (-W) |
+| `x` | will add Hex and ASCII output into the capture. |
+| `h` | See the help menu |
+## WireShark
+| **Capture Filter** | **Description** |
+| --------------|-------------------|
+| `host x.x.x.x` | Capture only traffic pertaining to a certain host |
+| `net x.x.x.x/24` | Capture traffic to or from a specific network (using slash notation to specify the mask) |
+| `src/dst net x.x.x.x/24` | Using src or dst net will only capture traffic sourcing from the specified network or destined to the target network |
+| `port #` | will filter out all traffic except the port you specify |
+| `not` | will capture everything except the variable specified. ex. `not port 80` |
+| `and` | AND will concatenate your specified ports. ex. `host and port 80` |
+| `portrange x-x` | Portrange will grab traffic from all ports within the range only |
+| `ip / ether / tcp` | These filters will only grab traffic from specified protocol headers. |
+| `broadcast / multicast / unicast` | Grabs a specific type of traffic. one to one, one to many, or one to all. |
+ **Display Filter** | **Description** |
+| --------------|-------------------|
+| `ip.addr == x.x.x.x` | Capture only traffic pertaining to a certain host. This is an OR statement. |
+| `ip.addr == x.x.x.x/24` | Capture traffic pertaining to a specific network. This is an OR statement. |
+| `ip.src/dst == x.x.x.x` | Capture traffic to or from a specific host. |
+| `dns / tcp / ftp / arp / ip` | filter traffic by a specific protocol. There are many more options. |
+| `tcp.port == x` | filter by a specific tcp port. |
+| `src.port / dst.port ==x` | will capture everything except the port specified. |
+| `and / or / not` | AND will concatenate, OR will find either of two options, NOT will exclude your input option. |
+| `tcp.stream eq #` | Allows us to follow a tcp session in which we captured the entire stream. Replace (#) with the session to reassemble. |
+| `http` | Will filter for any traffic matching the http protocol. |
+| `http && image-jfif` | This filter will display any packet with a jpeg image file. |
+| `ftp` | Filters for the ftp protocol. |
+| `ftp.request.command` | Will filter for any control commands sent over ftp control channel. |
+| `ftp-data` | Will show any objects transfered over ftp. |
+## Misc Commands
+| **Command** | **Description** |
+| --------------|-------------------|
+| `sudo *` | Sudo will run the command that proceeds it with elevated privileges. |
+| `which (application)` | Utilizes which to determine if (application) is installed on the host. Replace the application with what you are looking for. ex. `which tcpdump` |
+| `sudo apt install (application)` | Uses elevated privileges to install an application package if it does not exist on the host. ex. `sudo apt install wireshark`|
+| `man (application)` | Displays the manual pages for an application. ex. `man tcpdump`. |
+## Common Ports and Protocols
+| **Protocol** | **Port Number** | **Description** |
+| --------------|-------------------|-------------------|
+| `20` | FTP-Data | Data channel for passing FTP files. |
+| `21` | FTP-Command | Control channel for issuing commands to an FTP server. |
+| `22` | SSH | Secure Shell Service port. Provides secure remote communications |
+| `23` | Telnet | Telnet service provides cleartext communications between hosts. |
+| `25` | SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer protocol. Utilized for email transmissions between servers. |
+| `53` | DNS | Domain Name Services. Provides name resolution with multiple protocols |
+| `69` | TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol. A lightweight, minimal-function transfer protocol. |
+| `80` | HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol. Provides dynamic web services |
+| `88` | Kerberos | Providing cryptographic network authentication |
+| `110` | POP3 | Mail service utilized by clients to retrieve email from a server. |
+| `111` | RPC | Remote Procedure Call. Remote service for managing network file systems. |
+| `115` | SFTP | SSH File Transfer Protocol. An extension of SSH providing secure and reliable FTP services. |
+| `123` | NTP | Network Time Protocol. Provides timing and sync services for network devices. |
+| `137` | Netbios-NS | Local network name resolution. |
+| `139` | Netbios-SSN | Provides session services for data transfer. Services like SMB can utilize it. |
+| `179` | BGP | Border Gateway Protocol. BGP is a protocol for exchanging routing info with autonomous systems worldwide. |
+| `389` | LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. System agnostic authentication and authorization services. |
+| `443` | HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. An extension of HTTP utilizing SSL/TLS for encrypting the communications. |
+| `445` | SMB | Server Message Block. SMB allows for the sharing of services, files, networking ports, and printers between hosts. |